Ice Ornament


  • Freezer safe dish– cake pan, pie plate, plate

  • Natural bits and pieces– anything that you can find outdoors in the winter

  • String

  • Water


  1. Gather natural bits and pieces in a variety of colors– sticks, leaves, acorns, berries, seeds, anything that is hanging around in the winter. Enjoy the discoveries that you find in the gathering process (we found a snake skin while searching.)

  2. Fill a freezer-safe dish with 1-2 inches of water.

  3. Arrange your natural pieces in the dish. Don’t spend too much time on this because they will move around.

  4. Tie your string into a loop and place part of it deep in the water.

  5. Place outside overnight to freeze. This could take a while, feel free to use your freezer for this step.

  6. Hang and enjoy your temporary outdoor décor!


Connect with the great outdoors at Thorne’s nature-based programs, including Thorne Nature Preschool, Thorne Summer Camp, and our School Programs. You’re also welcome to visit us anytime at our nature play space—the Lafayette Nature Center.

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